Mission Statement of SMS Custom Homes of Watertown NY

Mission Statement

There are many choices in life.  Among the most important are your spiritual walk, your health, who you marry, your family, your education, your career and where you live.  As there are many choices that are presented to you, building a new home may be one of the most important and challenging decisions as well as one of the most rewarding, if you have the right guidance.

A home is your safe haven, a retreat, a place of peace, an atmosphere to nurture your love for each other and your family.  We all have memories of the home we grew up in, memories of visiting grandpa and Grammy’s house and the smell of the meal she prepared with love.  And think about the special memories of visiting your best friends' houses.  If you let your mind go back to those times, you will remember something about those homes that you liked.

One of the questions I ask of those considering building a house is to list 5 things you dislike about where you live now and 5 things you would not change about the dwelling that you live in now.  In your dreams, your plans, remove the dislikes and duplicate the good.  It may be possible to enhance the good things.  Put together a scrapbook of every room in your dream home, even the landscape.  Don’t forget the garage and special buildings, porches, gazebo, special hobby rooms, ponds, pool—you’re getting the idea.

Our philosophy is: When quality is remembered, the price is forgotten.   We all have purchased an item because it was inexpensive and regretted it later.  That said it doesn’t have to be expensive to be quality.  There is a balance --- common sense.

SMS Custom Homes is dedicated to helping you make the best choices for you and your budget.  We want to help you build a home so that when you reflect back on your choices, you will say with a smile on your face and joy and peace in your heart --- there is nothing I would change!  Therefore, we are committed to working with you for whatever length of time it takes to come up with a plan and budget for your dream house or vacation home.  Many people take two, three, five years or longer before they build.  It’s OK, It’s a big step.  We understand.

We have chosen to represent Barden Homes.  The product they produce is excellent.  The support team is professional, dedicated and our friends.

Ben Franklin used a “T” chart to help him make difficult decisions.  He would list pros on one side and cons on the other.  Try it.  Be honest with your answers.  You will find the chart works.

Subject:  _____________________________________________________________








Decision:  _____________________________________________________________

My son and his wife own P & M Construction.  As a family we can provide site preparation to complete builds or offer a homeowner participation program.  We itemize the cost so that you can control you budget.

Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction.  In summary, we will provide you with the best quality home, church or commercial building that your dreams and budget can create.

The late Ronald Mitchell, Founder of SMS Custom Homes, LLC


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